Hello! I need help identifying a houseplant I rescued from the garbage at work. It was in a very tiny pot and was root bound so I repotted it. It has done well with infrequent watering and living in a bright windowsill. The leaves come in clusters of 6-8 so far, and it is only about 8 inches tall at the moment. When i rescued it from the trash some of stems where bent down in what seem to be an unnatural way, and very loose like they were going to fall out. So I splinted them up with a popsicle stick, however this may not be the natural pose of the plant. Since then it has started a new branch, but it doesn't look quite as happy as the rest of the plant which leads me to believe something may be amiss. However it is growing upwards all by itself, so maybe the poor thing should grow upwards. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!