After we had a week of above average temperatures we had a week of below average tempuratures and had another hard freeze. My rose bushes were all looking nice and full and green. Now they look about dead. Is there anything I can do for them this year or is it probably to late? Do you think they will be ok for next year or should I probably replace them?I have added a couple pictures notm sure how well they came out so if they aren't the greatest I can add more.
no, the problem is freezing, just wondering if I should prune them down or what? My neighbor completely pruned hers down to almost nothing, wondering if I should do the same.
The same thing happen to my roses and some of my shrubs here in Iowa.I thought I would just wait a while before pruning anything and see just what is going to grow.The roses were just starting to leaf out,and now they look dead down to the just above the crown.
Poor roses! As a general rule of thumb if any of my roses have been stressed I give them a kick of soluable fertilizer like fish emulsion or something with some nice easy numbers to give them a pick me up. If plants go into a winter dry, they are more susebtable to freezing temperatures. The soil in your photos does look dry and would probably benefit from some good organic mulching.Roses are tough and if these were established bushes they should begin to show some signs of life soon. Patience is a virtue. Jan
Thank you. Most of them have started showing some signs of new life. Just this weekend I went in and cut all the dead parts out so they would look better. That is when I noticed how much new life they were getting. I am glad I didn't just go in and trim them all to the ground after that late hard freeze we got like alot of people around here did.