Help for Blue Spruce

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by helen, May 15, 2005.

  1. helen

    helen Member

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    Newfoundland, Canada
    Hi, I am a first time user here, looking for help! First of all, I live just outside St. John's, Newfoundland - as far East as you can get! I have a very small blue spruce (or it used to be). We've moved and I moved it with me, however, now it is just another GREEN spruce. What can I use to turn it back to BLUE!!!
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    The coloring is caused by the waxy coating on the needles. Elsewhere I have seen it claimed that fertilizing can cause a faltering one to appear more blue, because its overall health (and appearance) has been improved. If you want to try this, sample your soil and have it tested first.

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