Hello people, My dracaena deremensis is in serious need of attention; I've had this plant for 3 years now and it's NEVER had any problems until now. I recently brought home a spider plant that looked like it was being neglected (ie. leaves were brown). I originally had the plants separated from eachother, and had no problems- but shortly after I placed them close together, my dracaena got the brown leaves!! it's been about a month, I've trimmed and watched, slowed my watering, and moved it to another location only to find the leaves are worse! It's all over now. If anyone can help I could sure use it!
Photos please!!! If you suspect that the spider plant is the carrier, what symptoms is IT having? Bugs, fungus, mold? Is this dual browning coincidental or related? Any and all information will help in diagnosis!
The spider plant started browning first, I did notice a strange whitish mould on the surface recently which I took off. I never saw it on the dracaena though. I've not seen any bugs in or on either plant.