Hello, We have a large (15 feet) maple in our yard which is oozing sap (?) out of the main crotch. Also, there is quite a bit of gelatinous "goo" in the crotch area. A section of the crown has turned brown and there is some splitting in the bark of one of the upper branches. Attached are several pictures of the tree. The tree is east facing and gets morning sun. To the south is a large birch tree - which blocks most of the mid-day and afternoon sun. I'm wondering if this is canker or something else? Is there anything we can do to help the tree (prune dead wood, scrape away the "goo", pour on a fungicide?) I appreciate any suggestions. Thank you, Jo
for me is one insect "roditor wood"use a dedicate spray for this ,(you ask in a good chimical store) after close the gallery with green gum for graft the "goo" for me is wood and lymph ,this is my "web "advice ,another is :you remove a little "goo" and go to chimical store with pics and ask to garden man....
is the leaf dying/drying/curling just happening on the limb that is split? i would remove the goo to see what the bark looks like under it.
It may just be accumulating rotting leaves. Give it a good blast out with a pressure hose from time to time.
The dieback and "goo" are both worrysome and perhaps worth a bit more investment than just a sturdy squirt with the hose (sorry, I had to say it!). It seems there is a lot of bark damage/splitting. I am sad to say I am no arborist, but do manage 150 acres of shrubs and trees in pots, so get to see my fair share of tree drama. Yours seems a very nice tree and I would definitely say you have a situation worthy of an arborist - or at least the most knowledgeable tree guy from a garden center in your area (not a hardware superstore). Find someone, take them photos and leaf and goo samples. (Don't worry - it won't be the first time someone has brought them funk in a ziploc!) What you are seeing may be the result of a borer insect problem that you had earlier in the year. In that case, all you can do really is treat at the right time next year and do all you can to bolster the trees health now. Let us know what happens! Good luck. :)