Hellebores- growing 2 colours close to each other

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by Alison, Mar 13, 2006.

  1. Alison

    Alison Active Member

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    I seem to remember reading somewhere that if you planted two hellebores of different colour close together that any seedlings would be a combination of the two colours. Is this true?
    I have two hellebores planted within a couple of feet of each other, one pale pink, one deep purple. I want to encourage the deep purple, don't want the two to "mix".
    How far apart do I have to plant these two plants if it is true that they will "mix"?
  2. Weekend Gardener

    Weekend Gardener Active Member 10 Years

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    Coquitlam, BC
    I presume you are referring to Hellorus orientalis.

    I understand that the genes responsible for colour determination on their flowers is a bit more complicated than that. I started off with a single plant, but it has produced offsprings tha has produced 3 colors that are quite different from the parents - and that includes a plant with pure white flowers. Therefore, it is likely that it does not matter how close you plant those two apart. Even if the two are planted in different properties, you will still see variation in flower colours in the seedlings. And that is the most exciting part of it. So, why not allow nature to make the selection?

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