I am new to gardening, and am interested in planting a hedge between my patio and a new home being built behind me. I have a retaining wall 5' to 7 ' tall behind my patio cut into a slope, and have approx. 6' of property behind that. I am interested in some privacy and looking for a hedge that won't require a lot of work to maintain, an evergreen, and something about 6' tall or so. I believe my climate is in zone 10. Please help. Dan.
Try plant selection guide near front of Sunset WESTERN GARDEN BOOK. You can use their Sunset Climate Zone system to get a more precise read on what climate you have and what plants are suitable (of those treated in the GARDEN BOOK) than with a USDA Hardiness Zone.
Or go see what your local nursery carries, and ask them for advice given the exposure of your site (sun vs. shade) and your other needs such as maintenance burden. They'll only carry stuff that is likely to survive in your climate. Keep in mind that plants never actually stop growing and no matter what you buy you may eventually need to trim the top. Sounds like you have room for a nice little hedge and a variety of other flowering and foliage plants in front of it to dress it up a little. Should be a fun introduction to gardening.
Pittosporum are the favoured quick growing hedge here. A lot of varieties and leaf colour and densities. It is easily pruned to a hedge. Looking at your location I would say would grow well and copes with dry. http://www.cradocnursery.com.au/plants/Pittosporum-tenuifolium--Irene-Patterson-.shtml http://www.rjhorton.com.au/Site/PeopleInGardens/slides/Pittosporum Irene Patterson Elizabeth.html Photinia http://images.google.com.au/images?svnum=10&um=1&hl=en&cr=countryAU&q=photinia&btnG=Search+Images http://www.cradocnursery.com.au/plants/Pittosporum-tenuifolium--Irene-Patterson-.shtml Liz