I need to do some research on alternative hedges and barriers in this climate zone. It must consist of more than one plant and must provide privacy, food and habitat for at least three species, has year round interest and is neighbour-friendly. Tall order? I've been researching all day and still can't come up with one. Please help.
Hi Catmunn, Have you considered hollies? There are evergreen and decidious ones and will feed and shelter more then one species of bird. There is one evergreen holly that doesn't need a mate to bear fruit, but most require a male and female. Newt
It can be a mix of shrub and tree, deciduous and evergreen-but must provide relative privacy-5-6ft is a good height. I little eco-system that attracts the bugs and birds. Holly is a good choice, but it can be invasive and it quite common. Any other ideas?
Rhododendron will feed butterflies and bees. Mahonia is another possibility for a shaded area and offers berries and shelter to birds.
Those are some good ideas-Thanks. I am still looking for something a bit more unusual-but maybe in this very wet Pacific NW, it would be unlikely to find anything but the tried and true.