I have a small city lot in Victoria and want to put in a hedge along one side as a screen. This would be on the N side of the house, an inverted L shape with the foot of the L being the garage, so the area gets morning sun. My son, who does pond building and landscaping, has suggested a clumping bamboo but I'm not totally sold on that idea. I also would like to plant a small tree in the corner. I was thinking a Douglas maple might be nice but am unsure about the mature size. I would like something with fall colour. I've tried to get more info on various trees on the web but haven't been entirely successful so welcome any suggestions you may have. Thank you. Jocelyn
hedge - consider Taxus baccatta fastigiata - good for low light, narrow, columnar, evergreen. tree - the list is long and varied - personal thoughts; Coral bark maple, Forest Pansy Redbud aka Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Forest Pansy', golden full moon maple aka shiraswanum aureum.