Hi all, I live on the Sunshine coast B.C. and I am looking for some weeping maples to plant. The location is oceanfront, south sun, and windy. Are there any varieties of weeping maples that would do well in this environment? Thanks Dee
I live on the Eastern Shore of VA and the weeper that does the best for me is 'Orangeola'. It seems to grow like a weed and I NEVER have any problems with it. Both 'Crimson Queen' and 'Tamukeyama' are holding up well also. 'Garnet' hates it, as does 'Red Filigree Lace'. I am less than half a mile from the water. All my trees are in pots. It is INCREDIBLY windy here, so all my trees get support from stakes on occasion. 'Hope that helps.
How about A. saccharinum 'Laciniatum Wieri'. It's a maple, pretty tough, forms not a strictly weeping habit but pretty weepy none the less. -E
No direct experience but I grow 'Emerald Lace' in a windy spot right now and soon I'm going to move it seaside S.NJ close to the beach. Despite the frilly, dainty appearance it has been a sturdy grower in a windy, full sun spot, in a pot.
I once left a few of my bonsai (among them waterfall) in the care of my father who lives a block away from the ocean.The foilage died back within two weeks because of the salt air.Maybe you can find certain varieties that will do well in these conditions,but to be honest with you I dont think that maples are the best choice living so close to the beach.
I'm about .25miles from the beach, no problems with salt air at all in a garden that includes maples, camellias, magnolia, beech, viburnum, osmanthus etc. If you're in a seriously windswept area I think JMs would not flourish.
For me, Seiryu has been the best performer in wind. Period. This tree somehow is magical with wind and full sun....