I have kept a 7 foot ficus benjamina on my deck for a few summers; it loves the shade in Okanagan summers. However, I let it stay out (under shelter) for a couple of frosty nights. About 30% of leaves showed a bit of frostbite, but the rest seemed happy, glossy,and unscathed. We brought it in before a weekend away, and when we returned, EVERY leaf had dried up! I gave it a soak and let it be, but in the three weeks since, none of the dead leaves have dropped, and it is looking a little forlorn...Will it live???
The cold, sudden change in light and drop in humidity for sure caused the problem. All you can do now is keep in the bright light with some sun. You don't want the soil too moist, or wet since the dried leaves won't benefit. If the roots and branches weren't effected by the frost, it should grow new leaves in time.You may need to do a little pruning of any dead branches.