In the gallery Alex has posted some nice fall pictures of A. rufinerve Hatsuyaki. I also have this plant, which was ordered as "albolimbatum" but was labeled Hatsuyaki. The source thinks they are synonymous. But others seem to disagree: Esveld has them listed as separate maples on the web site. IIRC they are the same in Maples of the World. What's the latest on this controversy? -E
hi Emery i presume that is one albolimbatum better, also i see that Hatsujuki have more leaves with spoted white,and yes i read albolimbatum = hatsujuki, but now are distintc,or is ri-named for turn around the patent .....
albolimbatum is a very old cultivar, I can't believe there's a patent issue... I had understood that Hatsuyaki was just the Japanese name, Albolimbatum was registered in the west. Confused about the issue. -E