hateful bugs and sticky treatments!

Discussion in 'Cacti and Succulents' started by odoms_spire, Jun 1, 2007.

  1. odoms_spire

    odoms_spire Member

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    wayne county USA

    i've recently bought a large version of an elephant bush and was in the process of searching out "care tips" and found a thread on here related to a mad rush to save the same type of plant from death. she listed at one point not finding any buggy invaders so i thought i'd scope out the tiny leaves of mine and found afew leaves as good as completely covered with teeny little hateful spider mites stickin all over them and building webs. i went on a mad search for cures and found out that a good treatment is water either in a shower or with a hose. but number one i don't want to pressure wash off my leaves because they don't hang out well and number two it being a succulent it doesn't like a whole lot of water. and the second treatment from home and gardends was a 1 gallon of water, 1/2 cup of buttermilk ( :| yum) and a cup of flower mix. and im honestly not sure i want to be shootin a gummy milky mix all over my plant. so....with all that ranting..im pretty much askin what in the world i should do. should i just go with the shower/hose thing and just hope i don't drown the poor guy, or shoot it with what sounds like an elmers glue mix? any-who.. i hope someone finds my thread in the mix of many others. i'll keep up with the searching but a girl can only take so many hours of mouse rolling and squinting and bottom numbing searches. thanks for reading :D
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    Not hateful, but grateful - you are providing them a bonanza, apparently.

    Maybe just hold the top upside down in a pail of soapy water for awhile, if possible.
  3. odoms_spire

    odoms_spire Member

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    wayne county USA
    you must be right....apparently they think a party's goin on somewhere around my plant. i'll take the upside down thing into consideration, gravity MAY be on my side today.

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