I'm interested in growing these, has anyone had any experience growing or tasting them. I'm wondering how well they grow and if indeed they taste like a cross between a blueberry and a raspberry. Any other info would be great. Thanks
I'm growing a few varieties, and can provide some subjective advice. They grow well, and actually have decent ornamental value: nice pale yellow flowers. Flavour-wise, I don't find them that good. I'm sure it differs somewhat by variety, but in general they are quite sour relative to a blueberry or a raspberry: the reputed taste seems to be a combination of marketing and wishful thinking. My best tasting varieties, however, when fully ripe, are on par with a good wild blueberry.
Hi there, If you are looking for information on the Haskap Berry and plants, you can look at the following pages: General Info: http://www.lahaveforests.com/haskap-berry.html Growing the Haskap: http://www.lahaveforests.com/haskap-berry/haskap-faqs-answered.html You can also pre=order some Canadian Haskap products here: www.haskapa.com Enjoy! Liam
Of the varieties I'm growing, "Blue Bird" and "Blue Sea" are ahead of the rest in terms of sweetness (for me).