i just noticed something this morning so i have not had time to get a picture. before i went on vacation i put some tropical hibiscus seeds in a bag with a moist paper towel. several of them sprouted and had the good white root so i took those out and poted them up but one of them when i took it out of the bag a piece of the seedling leaf was stuck by the moisture to the top of the ziplock bag and broke off. i left it there and it has stayed green for almost 2 weeks i checked the other two seeds this am to see if they had signs of sprouting and noticed the small piece of the leaf has a small root coming out of it. i will try to get a picture later tonight was just wondering if this has happened to anyone else. what would it be called a leaf cutting ???
Yes, it is in effect a leaf cutting. Some plants are grown from leaf cuttings deliberately, African violets for instance.
this only lived for a week after i noticed the root it probably just did not have enough energy in the small piece of leaf to keep it alive if i did tissue culture or maybe even hydroponics i could have put it in a solution to give enought nutrients to keep it alive. might be worth a few experiments trying to find a way to keep them alive withought going full tissue culture or hydroponics.