Consolidated information about the 2008 garlic crop- FINISHED! Hard Neck Snake Garlic (Allium sativum) Hardneck garlic is technically known as the ophioscorodon variety of allium sativum. Hardneck garlic have a "scape" - stalk - which coils from the top. These "scapes" are in much demand, and essentially gives the commercial growers two products from as field of garlic. There are three main types of hardneck garlic: rocambole, porcelain and purple stripe. My type is probably porcelain garlic. 17 April 2008 Snake Garlic (Allium sativum) Planted in October 2007, and all 54 plants are doing well. 9 May 2008 Indicating Growth 1 June 2008 Hard Neck Snake Garlic (Allium sativum) Plants are slightly over three feet tall, and very healthy. 14 June 2008 Garlic producing scapes (seed trunk). These will be cut off before they straighten out in two or three days, and used in a stir fry. Apparently the garlic cloves get slightly larger when the scapes are removed. 17 June 2008 Garlic scapes removed. These will be used in a stir fry. They are an expensive luxury item. 5 July 2008 Harvesting Hard Neck Snake Garlic (Allium sativum) Pulling garlic and the beginning of the curing process. 12 July 2008 Garlic drying Cutting the long stems to speed up the drying process. Drying will continue until the stems are soft and sealed off from the main bulb, then the remainder of the stem will be cut off. 21 July 2008 Hard Neck Snake Garlic (Allium sativum) Crop Final Processing complete. 12 July 2008 Garlic drying Cutting the long stems to speed up the drying process. Drying will continue until the stems are soft and sealed off from the main bulb, then the remainder of the stem will be cut off. 21 July 2008 Hard Neck Snake Garlic (Allium sativum) Crop Final Processing complete.
That is beautiful garlic, Durgan! You are well-organized. More or less edging my flower border are garlic plants with the scapes curling nicely. Very ornamental. I'm sure the garlic cloves are small if they are like previous years'. I let the tops develop, gather the baby garlics, and toss them around to "self sow."
Hey, You are hard on me. My 2009 crop is about to form scapes. I will dig up the old scapes link. Give me a bit of time.
Durgan, thank you so much. Question, I have scapes on what I believe to be soft neck garlic. I thought only hard neck varieties create scapes? Thank you for reestablishing the links. It helps a lot. Acoma.
No help from me, since I only grow and know about the variety that I grow, which is hard neck snake garlic, the snake bit refers to the scapes.