I'm hoping to find some hairy manzanita or other manzanita trees in my area. I'm planning on collecting a couple downed branches for a terrarium. Does anyone know of a local population near vancouver, WA? I'm okay with a bit of a drive. Pacific madrone might work as well if anyone has info. Thanks in advance
I used to visit my mother in Vancouver, WA; and I expect that Manzanitas and Madrones can be found in most locations with the right habitat: steep, sunny, rocky slopes, west of the Cascade crest. I can't remember any specific places, but both plants were quite common in that area.
Thanks vitog, a few places come to mind that may have the right conditions. Are you familiar with beacon rock near the washougal area?
The Burke Museum maps collections in Washington on their data page for Arctostaphylos columbiana. Might help you locate some plants. WTU Herbarium Image Collection - Burke Museum