Can someone help identifying and perhaps giving some watering tips for this plant? It's a gymnocalycium from ikea but Im not sure which one and I'm struggling to find how much water it needs. Thanks. ps. to mods: I posted something in the archives similar to this one, apologies if that's a problem/issue.
Not Gymnocalycium (almost all mass-produced cacti has the wrong name on the label). It is a crested Cleistocactus winteri grafted on a Hylocereus undatus, planted in coir. It is the root system of the Hylocereus that determine how it should be treated. They rot easily and should only be watered when it is warm. The water must be allowed to drain off, standing water in the clay pot is a huge risk. Leave it dry in winter and start watering carefully again in spring.
I forgot to say that I water these in spring-summer whenever they feel dry enough and it is not too cold (not much below room temperature).
I have a similiar question, just today I picked up a 'Gymnocalycium' from IKEA and I'm having trouble identifiying it as well. It's the same as this one - Can anyone tell me what kind of cactus it is so I will know how to look after it properly? Thanks! :)
It's a Gymnocalycium, most likely G. stenopleurum. It will probably have pink flowers; this form is often called friedrichii.
Just had a look at more pictures of that kind and yup that matches it exactly! Thank you so much for your very quick response! :)