I was woundering if any of you have some advice on growing date palms from seed, Today I bought a round container of fresh dates that are not pitted and I need some info on growing these from see. Thanks Dogseadepression
They are easy to grow from seed, just slow - all that's needed is patience. Use a potting mix with good drainage (not peat). Put the seed in it about 1cm deep, and keep the pot just moist (not soggy wet). After about a month or so, the seed will put out some roots, and in another month or so, the first leaf.
I also found these easy from seed. We get plenty of fresh 'Medjool' dates in the stores and these are the ones I've grown. I think all Phoenix species germinate rather easily. Cheers, LPN.
I followed the directions on the following website, and had no problem growing from seed. My problems only start once they're bigger, because I've not been able to provide the heat and light they like. http://www.personal.u-net.com/~treetops/germinat.html
This one is about 7 months old from sowing. The pot is 9cm diameter (getting to need repotting!), the leaves 21cm long. I just put the seed in the pot without any special treatment at all.