I have a garnett and a hormony peach tree I planted this spring. They look good now but my question is will they survivve next winter here in eastern Ontario near Ottawa and what can I do to help them??? Thanks Rob
Hey neighbour! I was going to ask the same question, did a search on the topic and found this post. I know the Loring and Redhaven peaches are the hardiest for us. The Canadian Tire in Kemptville sells lots each year and they tell me they are really fruitful and the owners make peach pies and all kinds of stuff with them. I find it rather hard to believe, kind of like an urban myth, but I am willing to try them out. It seems that Garnet Beauty is a sport of Redhaven so it should be hardy. Here's a link you might find usefull. http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/crops/facts/07-041.htm. Where did you buy yours?
Got mine from a nursery down in southern ontario. They purolated to me . The trees llok great and are doing just fine. I will try to post and let you know how they are doing. 1 Garnett beauty and the other is a hormony. Have a great week!
Yes, do keep me posted, I was eyeing buying one this year but they have all sold out now. Semi dwarf btw.
Well those peach trees did great! So far so good. The Garnett is of to a slow start, but the Harmony is lovin every minute oof it. How are yours doen????
Well The Harmony peach treproduced wonderful sweet peaches! So I guess you can grow peaches in Eastern Ontario lol....
Lucky you, I am going to buy one next spring for sure, I'm glad the Harmony is a good recommendation.
protect from frost...peach trees bud early in spring. There is something that has to be applied to the trunk to prevent cytospora and borer infections.
Yes, there's not much we can do really except keep our fingers crossed that the temperature doesn't dip so much to kill the flower buds. Peach trees will grow here but they don't always bear fruit each year, just one of those things.
We had - 33C one night this year, a real test for the peach trees. The Garnett beauty are having a difficult time, but the Harmony seems to be ok... Got some burnt branches and buds. I trim off all the dead stuff early in the spring. I will update in early August and let you know if everything is peachy lol...... Have a pleasant spring :-) People said it couldn't be done and now they all come to see :-)
Good news! I have blossoms on the Harmony! The Garnett beauty is alive but burn bad.. I trimmed all the burnt stuff and it is leafing nice. The Harmony had some burn.. I'd say 20% damage, but I have 9 blossoms so far and the tree is healthy. I do't think I will have Borer problems because of our cold winter. Just lucky to have blossoms! Have a great weekend :-)
Yogurt your enthusiasm is infectious, I am off to find myself a Harmony. I have nice moved a little north but I am still south of Ottawa.
I'm pleased to see you giving a try. Some friends have told me red haven peaches are best for this area. I'm gonna try and post a pic here on the board soon with the peaches on the tree. Waiten for a possum to show up soon lol...
I have not had any luck in getting a peach tree in the area, apparently the grower where most come from sold out very quickly this year, I think they must have had a bad winter or something because the few I did see at garden centres were dead and had not sprouted. Oh well, next year.
I ordered mine from some town in southern Ontario. The lady at the nursury Puralated the trees I kid you not,, Planted next day after soaking the roots. I find the trees get burnt branches that have to be removed come spring. I read where any temp under -25 is hard on yhe peach trees. Last winter we had a -33 night and I knew I would have some damage. Burnt limbs and buds, but the tree is fine. Good luck findinng your peach tree. Check out the online tree nusuries for southern Otario.
Good for you. I have a Red Haven but the fruits dropped off before ripening ;( Well, hopefully better luck next year. I'll be transplanting it from container into the ground in the spring.
I didn't have any luck with my plum trees, I think it must have been the dry summer we had :( Oh well, there is always next year.
I signed up just to find out how your peaches are doing. I am planting 2 different varieties on Manitoulin Island this spring, Will name them when I get home. Anxious to see how they do.
I finally found a Redhaven about 4 or 5 years ago. It is much later to leaf out in the spring than my other fruit trees. I checked it yesterday morning and saw the first blossoms it's ever had! There's not many but pretty exciting to see them.