Growing palms indoors

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by SparksITCS, Sep 6, 2007.

  1. SparksITCS

    SparksITCS Member

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    Suffolk, Virginia
    Good evening.
    I've always loved Palm trees and have just recently purchased 3 windmill palms which I'm attempting to grow & care for outdoors. I'm really interested in growing numerous different types of palms in my sunroom. I'm sure some types wouldn't survive in the area outside but think they would do fine in pots which I could move onto the deck in the summer and back indoors during the winter. Does any of you do this? Any suggestions/recommendations on where to purchase different types of palms at fair/decent prices. I would love to have about a dozen different types - all small plants....

  2. durbint

    durbint Member

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    Johnson City, TN, USA
    I have a pygmy date palm (about 3 feet tall) that is currently on my front porch until is startes to gets cold, then I will being it in to place next to my 6 inch tall pony tail palm that is located in front of a window that gets a lot of bright evening sun. I have read that they both do well indoors, if given plenty of sun. I have only had both the pygmy date palm and pony tail palm for about 2 months now, so I can't give a lot if information about them yet. However, mine are doing fabulous and both have formed several new sprouts/leaves since I have gotten them, so apparently I am doing something right. Parlor Palms I have heard make great indoor plants as well, as they don't require as much light as most palms, but I haven't came across one to buy yet.
  3. durbint

    durbint Member

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    Johnson City, TN, USA
    Oh, forgot to mention, I got my pygmy date palm at a Kroger's grocery was about 3 feet tall when I bought it and I only gave $9.99 for it. Like I said before, it has grown several new leaves since I purchased it. The pony tail palm I bought I got from an Evergreen landscaping place and it was about 4-5 inches when I got it for only $3.99. Inexpensive and both are looking and growing great!
  4. freville

    freville Member

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    I'm sure some types wouldn't survive in the area outside but think they would do fine in pots which I could move onto the deck in the summer and back indoors during the winter. I have read that they both do well indoors, if given plenty of sun. Try the Evergreen landscaping service from Michael and Christopher Freville in Solihull. I've heard very good feedback on the growth of these plants. Parlor Palms I have heard make great indoor plants too. They would do fine in pots which I could move onto the deck in the summer and back indoors during the winter
  5. Bluewing

    Bluewing Well-Known Member

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    Upstate NY
    Yes, parlor palms (Chamaedorea elegans) are really good indoor plants. I have a 12" pot of them, bought them all small for around a buck and half and just kept moving them up in pot size as they grew. In the house, they get about 3"-4" tall, could get much taller in a conservatory, or GH I suspect. Receives indirect light, semi moist soil.
    Another nice one I have is a butterfly palm (Areca palm) bought years ago. It's now an 11ft beauty with very graceful fronds.
  6. Joy Cooper

    Joy Cooper Active Member

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    Evans Head New South Wales Australia
    Windmill Palm trees are, apparently, one of the most hardiest of the palm species, are cold hardy to 5 degrees F & also survive hot urban sites, if kept watered & fed. So this seems like an ideal palm for the position you intend for them. They also look good clustered in groups. According to the info I have found ,it does not seem that you will have to move them inside during your winter , unless, of course, the temp gets below 5. As for your sunroom, most other palms don't like direct sun, especially the Parlour palm (chamaedorea elegans) though mine is currently on a sheltered patio, which gets the am sun, but I may have to move it soon as we are now into spring & our summer may be a little harsh for it!!! Indirect light is the go for indoor palms, just pick some that take your fancy & enjoy!! Don't be too nervous about caring for them, they tend to be very forgiving, I have found. Good luck & happy palm-growing, get your deckchair ready for sitting under them!!!! Joy
  7. Canadianplant

    Canadianplant Active Member

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    Thunder Bay
    For palm trees I have a small triangle palm i recently purchased, a Canary island date palm ( phoenix canariensis ), Dypsis Albofarinosa ( white powder palm ( very small seedling )), and a Pony tail palm ( baucarnea stricta). All of them seem to be doing fine, with the exception of the dypsis seedling, the stem is going brown ( dampining off i think).

    The phoenix is doing very well inside, but they get very large. Dypsis lutesence ( formaly chrysalidocarpus lutesence) , also known as the areca palm, golden cane palm, butterly palm, and many more, does very well. The chameadorea cant go in dirct sunlight, it will burn to all hell, they grow in the floor of the rainforest, not lots of direct sunlight. I would advise that you find what interests you and look it up.

    As for the windmill palms. They grow in in british columbia, oregon, and many other places like them. I believe that they are hardy to zone 7a, bt i have read reports of 6a.
  8. Dave-Florida

    Dave-Florida Active Member

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    Vero Beach, Fla., USA
    For indoors, Chamaedorea and Rhapis (a number of species of both) do well. Actually, there's lots of tropical understory species that might do well in sunrooms.

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