Growing Great Beets

Discussion in 'Fruit and Vegetable Gardening' started by Skidmark, Feb 27, 2006.

  1. Skidmark

    Skidmark Member

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    Nanoose Bay, B.C.
    I never had a problem with this in Fort St. John on clay soil, or Penticton with sandy soil, but move to Nanoose Bay and it seems like I cannot grow a beet larger than a golf ball.

    I have sandy soil here, some of which is fine enough that water runs right off the top instead of sinking in. I have spent years adding my compost, composted manure and wood chips and liming with dolomite lime annually. The improvement has been small.

    I tried a little Miracle Grow this year and it did seem to help somewhat.

    Other than to keep going the way I am, what can I do to get the baseball+ sized beets I used to?

    Thanks, Tim.
  2. Dee M.

    Dee M. Active Member 10 Years

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    Western Washington
    It seems like you have been doing everything right, maybe it's time to get the soil tested.

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