I am relatively new to gardening and would like to know how to grow Canna from seed. We recently retired and I now have time to do what I always wanted to do, Have a beautiful flower garden. I would like to have an 80 foot row of Canna across the front of my yard and that would cost a fortune in plants or bulbs. I would also like to know when to plant them for my zone which is zone 8. I only have one plant now that my daughter gave me and it has about 8 seed so I still have a long way to go. All information will be appreciated.
The fastest way is to nick the seed and soak them in water till the radicle appears which will be in about 4 to 10 days. You can then pot them up with the radicle pointing downwards - the first leaf will appear about a week later. Unless you have sufficient light and warmth for these babies through the winter, you should do it in the Spring. They grow quite fast. That being said, the hardest part is nicking the seed. Some people have success with a big nail clipper but it doesn't work for me. I use a damp towel to hold the seed and use a sharp exacto knife. Also, some of the seed seem to have a double layer of skin - if radicles don't show in 10 days, check the seed and if you see bubbles in the skin, just peel off the first layer and soak again.
It's a hard seed and will need scratching and soaking before sowing. Then if you use sterilized soil, you'll have a better chance. Try an maintain the temperature of the seed if you can, it helps with germination. Good Luck, it's one of my favorite plants in the garden. If your current plant is fairly big, you can also divide the rizomes to help cover the area.
Dead easy in my garden, I still have seedlings come up 3 years after the last time I planted the rhizomes there. They can reach flowering size the first year though, if I fertilize and water prodigously. Simon
Thanks for your replys. Do I need to wait for the seeds to dry before this procedure is done? They are falling off now but still green. Sorry but I am learning. Thanks
Canna seeds are very hard and black when ripe. The pod they're in remains green even after they open up to reveal the seeds inside. If the pods are falling off before opening up, then they may not be carrying viable seed? Cut one open to check it out. Simon
When to plant Canna seed? Hey Everyone: I am asking for help again: I live in East Texas, Can someone please tell me when I should plant Canna seed? Thanks so much for all your helpful answers to my previous questions.
Robin1: The University of Texas Test Station in San Angelo gets rid of hundreds, maybe thousands of Cannas each year to garden clubs and others, as they dig their beds. I have some of them here in central Florida by way of my brother, who lived in Ballinger. A little time spent on the internet or telephone might get you in touch with enough Cannas to match your dreams. And they are usually free. The seeds have a fascinating legend in their background. The Canna is also known as the 'Indian shot plant' in some quarters, due to the seeds having been used in shot gun shells by Native Americans who did not have ready access to the lead shot used by the encroaching settlers. As a kid (6 years old) I would use those that fit in my BB gun as a good alternative to having to earn 5 cents and walking a mile into town(and back) to buy a 'tube' of BB's. Good luck in your search. Chuck
The plants you would get from seed will be very variable in color and flower size. I have found that usually the results of growing Canna from seed are pretty disapointing. Where I live I can buy bags of 10 Canna rhizomes of nice named varieties from the local variety store for $5 or so. If you figure that each rhizome then costs 0.50 and you plant them 2 feet apart you could fill in the space for $20 or so. I think you would be much more satisfied with the results. Also, see if you have a friend or neighbor who will let you dig up thier clump and divide. Even from a clump only 3 feet wide you could easily get 40 new divisions and still have plenty to replant at the original location. Good luck