Of course it is doable! Do you want to grow it for leaves or for root? For leaves it is possible to grow beets even in the pure water in a glass jar (if to start from stored beetroot). If to grow from a seed, then the container should contain an average soil, loamy, not too poor, not too rich. pH neutral or slightly acidic (6...7). Keep the soil evenly moist, don't let it dry out. The container should be 25...50 cm deep, deeper, if you want to let grow larger leaves, for baby leaves and even for beetroot it could be more shallow. The ambient temperature better be not too high - the best is if it stays between 15 and 20 degrees Centigrade. And lots of light, a full sun position is preferred.
Soil needs to be warmer than 50F....otherwise roots are not likely to form. Truly, if you are a beginning gardener....they are among the more challenging things to grow, esp. in containers.