Greetings all...Some help please

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by Pineapple_Raye, May 21, 2004.

  1. Pineapple_Raye

    Pineapple_Raye Member

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    Tampabay area, Florida
    Even through I live on the other end of the continent, I'm in hopes that someone here can help me with a couple of questions I have listed below. I will present this in a short time-line of an event.

    This posting is about pineapples. I have grown this one gene now for close to 15 years. It came to me as just one pup. What gets me, is after 15 years of growing this gene, is to see what looks like secondary fruit. This is unknown to happen. My understanding has always been one stalk--one pineapple. I have had pups before I cut the fruit, but not to this level. I can only say at this point that my test to push these pineapples has exceeded my wildness expectations. My intent was to see how may pups I could get from one plant. On just 6 fruiting pineapples I count 81 pups! However, in the pictures you will see I got more than I was looking to get. Interesting to say the least. These are container grown in an earthbox type. Organically fed. In my own soiless mixture.

    These photos where taken on May 4, 2004. There are captions explaining each picture. I have used links to them rather than post this many pictures on a thread. (Got to consider the dial up folks.)

    Normal Pups
    Strange Coloring
    81 pups on 6 pineapples

    These photos where taken on May 20, 2004.
    It is a secondary Pineapple

    WARNING this next link‑picture is almost 1 meg in size! This is to allow for a closer view of the secondary fruit.
    Larger 1 meg photo

    This last picture is as strange as the secondary fruits. It looks like 3 plants growing from one root system.
    Stranger yet

    Yesterday I came to realize that there is one pineapple that has 4 secondary fruits on it. If anyone here has ever seen this before please post where, and if possible how I can contact that person.

    Also, please feel free to past this information on to anyone you feel maybe able to contribute to the questions‑‑> How is it possible for a pineapple to have secondary fruit on one stalk, and I'm confussed about what looks like three plants from one root system--suggestions? I know what I did to push these plants. I just don't understand these two aspects of the results.

    Thank you,
  2. mr.shep

    mr.shep Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    San Joaquin Valley, California
  3. Pineapple_Raye

    Pineapple_Raye Member

    Likes Received:
    Tampabay area, Florida
    Sorry about the links. They are working now. We change hosting service 2-3 months back and this is a growing problem. I got a feeling we will be looking for a new service if support cannot correct this problem. BTW we have purchased their best package.

    I've been on the phone with their support. Of course the links work now. What we see is an @ where the - should be. This is a copy:

    However, when you click on the picture you get http://www.dow‑ As you will see in the address bar there is a funky symbol.

    Another strange problem.

    Thanks for the links!
  4. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    Still not working... could you post the images directly on here?

    How to Attach Images (it's a bit out of date, but still good)

    Image size needs to be 2MB or below, I believe.
  5. mr.shep

    mr.shep Well-Known Member 10 Years

    Likes Received:
    San Joaquin Valley, California
    Hi Pineapple_Raye:

    I solved your coding problem for you. Below each header just click
    on the link. I will say your photography is excellent - beautiful photos!

    Normal Pups

    Strange Coloring

    81 pups on 6 pineapples

    It is a secondary Pineapple

    Larger 1 meg photo

    Stranger yet


    Sorry about having to write the URLs this way. I tried
    the conventional way of writing a hot button link but I
    also encountered some problems.
    Last edited: May 21, 2004
  6. Pineapple_Raye

    Pineapple_Raye Member

    Likes Received:
    Tampabay area, Florida
    Thanks a bunch. However, this coding problem is show up on other boards as well. Including two sites of my own...

    Anyway I'm still looking any information concerning these pineapples.

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