I'd thought that the green discoloration of dead ligneous wood one sometimes sees in the forest was due to fungal activity, but somebody more knowledgeable than I told me that it was a normal process of the wood itself. I’d like to know the name for this process and what’s going on, chemically. Thanks.
Fungus (Chlorociboria aeruginascens) contains a quinone pigment (xylindein). It is this compound which stains the wood. http://botit.botany.wisc.edu/toms_fungi/morel.html Scroll past the information on morels until you reach the section on Chlorociboria, about half-way down. Be sure to take a look at the photos (bottom of page) of gorgeous inlaid work made from wood colored by this fungus! Beautiful. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorociboria_aeruginascens
Thanks. Now that you mention it I remember seeing those beautiful little fruiting cups on the green wood.