gravenstein apple leaf curl

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by bookerboo, Aug 3, 2009.

  1. bookerboo

    bookerboo Member

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    langley, b.c. canada
    I have a new tree that has leaf curl and a lot of ants on it. What can I do with out using chemicals tks
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Look for aphids. Ants are probably farming them on the tree, the presence of the aphids producing the curling. To get rid of them some kind of eradication method will have to be employed. If extent of infestation is quite limited hand methods that remove the aphids without use of chemicals may be feasible.

    Note that if you are visited by Codling Moth, Apple Maggot or other pest whose attentions can spoil the crop (or the tree) you may become obliged to employ pesticides or suffer the consequences.

    Also: if this is a specimen you planted yourself and a suitable pollinator is not present as well fruiting may not occur. In addition to having the common (among orchard apple cultivars) requirement of pollination by other, particular cultivars 'Gravenstein' has the additonal wrinkle of not providing any useful pollen itself. In other words, it takes but does not give. So, another cultivar planted to pollinate a 'Gravenstein' will need to have a third cultivar present in order to give full crops itself. The second and third trees need to be chosen for pollinating each other, as well as at least one servicing the 'Gravenstein'.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2009
  3. vitog

    vitog Contributor 10 Years

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    Burnaby, Canada
    You can keep ants off the tree by using Tree Tanglefoot. That will make aphid control much easier. I use it every year on my apple trees.

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