Hello, --> http://www.bafz.de/baz2006V4/index.php?id=454 I was wondering if any of these varieties have found their way to north America? I am interested in experimenting/trying them out. I already have 5 Regent and 5 more coming Cant find a source for Phoenix so if you know one? Calandro, Reberger, Felicia, Villaris... ???! If they are not already here does anyone know where i can Import them or if i even can? I think they have not been approved... and if I'm right does anyone know how long it will take?
A lot of the grape varieties from there are being trialed or grown in North America. have a look at these links. http://www.pswg.org/grapes.htm http://avf.org/externals/72/71d3c73c02b0d6f885742dd31e65fa0a321472.pdf I believe that the U of Missouri had some trials as well. The Mount Vernon Research Centre in Washington has an ongoing trial with a lot of the varieties you are seeking. Did you try the ARS Geneva website and check out their grapevine repository list. Cheers