i recently moved to southern california and bought a condo with a grape vine in the terrace. it grows against the wooden partition that separates my terrace from my neighbor's. my problem is that the vine appears to be dying. about 90% of the leaves have yellowed and fallen off and i don't know why. none of the plants in my front yard or trees in the complex have yellowed. the coldest it gets in southern california is about 50-ish at night. I water the plant once a day. can it be saved?
You posted this inquiry on December 25...................this is the naturally occuring dormant period for all native and ornamental grape vines found within the country. You are just noticing naturing beautiful transition between the seasons. Even though your temperatures are warm enough to sustain some vegetation, some plants just simply need a winter's break to physiologically prepare for the next growing season. Just be thankful that you don't live where I do during the winter's...................nothing but the hardiest of native everygreens keep their leaves up here. I'm sure that you will have a very healthy vine come spring. I hope that this was helpful. T. Shane Freeman PS: Just out of curiousity, the plants found on the other side of your building were a different species right?
I just re-read your post again.............................DO NOT OVER-WATER YOUR VINES! Fall watering is an excellent practice and if only more people would follow your lead, then there would be alot less stressed out trees in this world. Over-watering can open a whole new bag of worms and you don't want to risk the stability and vigor of your plant! Only water if the soil is dry in appearance and dry an inch or so below the surface. T. Shane Freeman