Hi there I have about 30 vinifera types of grape vines and when it comes down to wind chill factors do grape vines feel the effect or is it just the current temperature showing.Because where I come from it's been dipping down to -12 but with the wind chill it's been -22 your help is greatly appreciated. Frank
Windchill is an expression used to describe the heat loss from a warm surface in a windy cold environment. As the grape vines are at ambient temperature (not heated), the wind chill is irrelavent. With an increase in wind speed & decrease in temperature though, the dessication rate increases. More important for evergreens but also plays a role in deciduous plants with big juicy buds. Any freeze damage on your grapes is strictly temperature related and is not affected by wind chill.
The only thing that feels a wind chill is something that produces heat, i.e. a human, dog, cat etc..... Thats why a blanket would keep you warm but putting a blanket on a thermostat wouldn't change the temp at all. Scuba
wind chill can have a very large impact on vines not so much because of temperature bur because of dehydration caused by winds