I purchased a couple of grape vines from Lowes, brought them home and planted them into pots with miracle grow. They kept growing for about a week and then just stopped. A couple of years ago I tried this and they grew very well indoors. Once it was warm enough I took them outside and planted them. Same thing, they stopped growing completly. That winter they went dormant, came back in spring. Throughout that whole season, they grew maybe 10" total. What could be going on here? How can I make these things grow?
Grapevines have a tendency to stop growing significantly once the roots contact the bottom of a container. The roots are also hesitant to cross different soil layers. Successful outdoor cultivation often involves mixing the various layers of soil to a depth of three feet and ensuring good drainage. Grapes hate wet feet.
If you planted into an "ammended" hole the roots may see this as a container of sorts and just grow to the edges of the hole. Try deep loosening the soil around the plant. Ralph