I have a grape vine that used to produce plenty of grapes. I moved, and brought it with me, transplanting it in the winter to a good sunny spot along my south facing back fence. It's growing up onto the fence, but hasn't produced a single grape since, and it has been 4 to 5 years. Is there anyway to jump-start it into producing grapes again? I tried letting it grow. I tried cutting it back. I tried watering it. I tried not watering it.
No the climate didn't change. When I transplanted it, of course I had to cut it back just to make it a manageable size. It grew back quickly the next year, and I pruned as per usual, but as I said, no grapes, so I tried not pruning. Nothing. The last two summers I decided to let it grow more again and not prune. Nothing. I mean, 5 years and no grapes... I don't get it. I know grapevines that grow completely unattended, basically wild, up onto trees and produce tonnes of grapes.