Could someone please give some of the characteristics of Beta, Vialiant, Minn. 78, ES 15-53 and Minn. 1095 as they relate to vigour, hardiness, earliness, adaptation to soil pH. Thanks. Pgopogo
... is this for a personal small scale backyard vineyard? or a larger commercial operation? there are many consultants avail in the valley - list but a few - you probably recognize some of the names - if not, go to a smaller winery where the front desk person is also the picker, maintenance, bottler and label sticker person - and ask them. Many of those "lifestyle" wineries (ie former professional person who always had a winery dream, for better or worse) hire the consultants to oversee planting etc. once they've ripped out the old orchard. have you contacted the Pacific Agri place in Summerland? (Trout Creek, on Hwy 97) or the viticulture program at Okanagan College, Penticton campus? UC Davis might have info on their website. it is interesting out at the UBC Farm, there is a row of old overgrown grape vines - I have always wondered what they are - Maybe someone from UBC Botanical knows what they are - and how old they are - what was the research project, I wonder. we are surrounded by vineyards in the OK but we don't grow them (nor do we want to - we like our beautiful trees!)
Thank you. I have done all of the above, and no luck. The row of grapes at UBC may be one that I donated to dr. George Eaton (Ret.) No Idea now what they were. They included Ortega, Himrod, Inerlaken, Madeline Angeline and Mad, Sylvaner and a few others.