I'm interested in grafting multiple apple varieties onto a single stock to increase variety and--more importantly--to space out the harvest times for a single tree. Will this have the same effect as planting 3 to 4 trees in one hole? For example, I'm thinking of starting with a Gala (early fall harvest) stock, then graft in a Red Fuji (mid-fall) and Pink Lady (late-fall)? Will the Red Fuji and Pink Lady still follow their normal harvest schedules? Does the Gala stock help move the other varieties to an earlier harvest? I've a also put together a list of apple varieties and their harvest schedules and taste ratings. Would you recommend using any of these varieties instead?
3-4 cultivars on same or different roots should be generally similar as same number of cultivars on a single root - as long as effects of particular roots used not having a strong influence. Success of particular mix of cultivars will depend on pollination requirements of each being met and on pruning to prevent more vigorous kind(s) crowding less vigorous.