grafting a magnolia

Discussion in 'Magnoliaceae' started by KerrisdaleMagnolia, Mar 17, 2015.

  1. KerrisdaleMagnolia

    KerrisdaleMagnolia New Member

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    I seem to be having a hard time finding someone to help with this:) The tree is scheduled to come down in a couple of weeks so hopefully there is someone who might know a bit about grafting.

    My mother-in-law recently sold her house in Kerrisdale and the new owners are planning on cutting all her beautiful trees down. There is one magnolia that holds a special place for her as she planted it in memory of her husband. Does anyone know someone who might help with grafting it - if it is even possible?

    Thank you.
  2. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I know absolutely nothing about this, but people do move trees. If you query Tree Movers Vancouver, lots of hits come up. Is there a reason why you would not move the whole tree?
  3. KerrisdaleMagnolia

    KerrisdaleMagnolia New Member

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    Thank you for your response.

    She is moving into a condo and the only person we know personally who would take the tree is her cousin - who is on the island. That is quite a distance, therefore very expensive. Unless someone else wants it, or a city park etc. - and it is the right time of the season to move it.

    I am not sure why the new owners would not want to have a 20+ year healthy and beautiful magnolia on their property.

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  4. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    I wonder if you're just asking how to propagate the tree from cuttings? You could query that on the internet. Here's the first one that came up when I did that:
    How to Grow a Magnolia Tree From a Cutting

    There seems to be a video on YouTube as well.

    There is a posting in this Magnolias forum, with maybe a better reference link,
    will cuttings grow? - UBC Botanical Garden Forums
    and it mentions that there were earlier threads as well in the Magnolia forum, so look on the upper right for Search this Forum from the threads list list and look for "cuttings". Or just do a search from the main menu bar for magnolia cuttings.

    Yours does not appear to be the kind listed as being difficult.
  5. KerrisdaleMagnolia

    KerrisdaleMagnolia New Member

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    Thank you for the links. I will take a look at them - really appreciate your help!

    As mentioned before, if it is possible perhaps we could donate the tree to a wanting home, park or organization. I might also take some cuttings and have them freeze dried for an arrangement. At least that way she will have some memory:)

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