I have 2 grafted acers that I'd like to know the mature h x w of. 1. Acer palmatum 'Sango-kaku' - the rootstock is 4" tall - the scion is 4.5' tall 2. Acer palmatum 'Butterfly' - the rootstock is 4" tall - the scion 3' and weeping in habit
The eventual size of any plant is dependant on environmental conditions. The information below, taken from Japanese Maples, 3rd edition, is probably representative of what one might expect in relatively optimal conditions (e.g., not around here). A. palmatum 'Sango Kaku': attains a height of 8 meters (26') or more and broadens to about 6 meters. A. palmatum 'Butterfly': short twiggy growth in a stiffly upright small tree or shrub attaining heights of 5 to 6 meters. Bryan
The i.d tags attached to these acers suggest Sango-kaku will attain a height and spread of 6' x 5' in 10 years, and the average height x width of 'Butterfly' is 12' x12'. I thought these suggested sizes seemed underestimated. Thanks Bryan - your source confirms my suspicions. Anyone else?