I've had the same goldfish plant for a least 5 yrs. It is healthy and blooms on and off all year. But, around this time every year it starts to weep, a gooey substance is on the leaves and covers my greenhouse window. Is it getting too much sun? I only water it thoroughly once a week letting the water run through. It is healthy other than this gooey, sticky substance.
It's hard to tell from this end if your plant might have a disease, or an insect problem, Could be an infestation of either mealy bugs, scale or aphids. Look closely at the leaves, stems and axils.Look for fine webbing or what looks like little tufts of cotton. You can try a soapy soapy solution (mild dish soap and water) in a spray bottle or use an insecticidal soap and repeat in 5-7 days for a about three weeks or so. If you have pest, you don't want to miss any. You can also try rubbing alcohol and water in a spray bottle. One to two parts alcohol, fill the rest with water.I like to cover the soil for this solution. Make sure you get "complete coverage" of the plant. Same with the soapy solution and insecticidal spray. Keep away from the sun until dry.
Ed, It's a Gesneriad, or from the Gesneriaceae family called. "Nematanthus" The flowers look like little fat orange goldfish.