Recently I visted Monticello (Thomas Jeffersons Estate) and bought some seeds for the Golden Rain Tree. I am fairly new to gardening and I would like to know the proper way to grow these trees. I have done a bit of searching around the internet, but have not really found anything helpful. (The seeds didn't come with any planting instructions.) Thanks!
Try nick scarifying them...I prefer sand paper...then putting them in some slightly damp vermiculite in the crisper for about 3 months...then plant out in full sun. Or plant seeds in the fall...after sand will have 3 foot seedlings in 1 full year. Kev
This plant is really invasive : I have one planted in my garden, and hundreds of seedlings each year that I have to remove. So I guess they're not fussy about the type of preparation needed for germination. I would simply put the seeds in a growing medium and wait for the spring.