Ginkgo biloba - Announcement of the new book "Ginkgo biloba L. 1771" Vol 1-3

Discussion in 'Plants: Science and Cultivation' started by o1 11 1962, Dec 10, 2010.

  1. o1 11 1962

    o1 11 1962 Member

    Likes Received:
    Announcement of the my new book "Ginkgo biloba L. 1771 - All about ginkgo (or maidenhair tree)" Vol 1-3. By the beginning of 2011 will be finished manuscript (prepared for publication) books 1 and 2 (out of 3) - total 610 pages, about 1000 color illustration (photos, tables, graphs...).

    When writing this book I had many great contributors from around the world (for example): Dr Peter Del Tredici (USA), Zhi-Yan Zhou (China), Katarina and Pavel Hrubik (Univ. Nitra, Slovakia), Dusan Horak (CZ Republic), D. van Gelderen (Esveld Nurs., Holland), Harold Greer (USA), Ginkgo Museum Weimar (H.G. Becker, Germany), Gert Fortgens (Trompenburg Tuinen & Arboretum, Holland), Ender Stewart (Arrowhead Alpine, USA), Natural Resources Canada (Canadian Forest Service) and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Laura M. Ferguson (Ph.D., Scientific Equipment Group, Olympus America Inc.. Market Strategy and Olympus America Inc.., USA), etc. ....(about 120 person-experts, institutions, nurseries...)
    In attach (photo) are Contents this my book.

    I still have no publisher, but I hope to find it.

    Prva Vol 1 završno manja rez..jpg

    1, dio 1 Ginkgo book.jpg

    2, dio 1 Ginkgo book.jpg

    3, dio 1 Ginkgo book.jpg

    4, dio 1 Ginkgo book.jpg

    Prva Vol 2 završno manja rez..jpg

    2, dio 2 Ginkgo book.jpg

    3, dio 2 Ginkgo book.jpg

    PRVA LIST DOBROX.mala rez 2 dioNOVA.jpg

    2, dio 3 Ginkgo book.jpg

    3, dio 3 Ginkgo book.jpg

    4, dio 3 Ginkgo book.jpg

    5, dio 3 Ginkgo book.jpg
  2. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    Looks like the English translation could be improved, e.g. what on earth is the word "valorization" that appears with each chapter heading?

    A simpler title would also probably help it sell better.
  3. o1 11 1962

    o1 11 1962 Member

    Likes Received:

    Hm! Yes. This is the official English translation, which is used in colleges Europe (but, I know that there are differences between U.S. English, Australian English, official English etc.?)
    Do you think you can be involved in editing language?
    Big thanks for the advice.
  4. ginkgob

    ginkgob Member

    Likes Received:
    Pitomaca Croatia
    Re: Ginkgo biloba - new book "Ginkgo biloba L. 1771" Vol 1-3

    New book about Ginkgo: "Nature's Miracle • Ginkgo biloba L. 1771" - Book 1 (Vol 1-2) - All about Ginkgo (or Maidenhair tree) - subtitle "Will Ginkgo be the saviour of the human kind?" (Author: B. M. Begovic Bego). 400 pages about Ginkgo biloba, Book 1, Vol 1-2, full color. Scientific and popular encyclopedia - Free download:•_Nature_s_Miracle__Book_1__Vol_1-2__-_B._M._Begovic_Bego.pdf
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2011

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