Germination of Seed - Conditions??

Discussion in 'Plant Propagation' started by Barry B, Dec 24, 2006.

  1. Barry B

    Barry B Member

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    Johannesburg, South Africa
    I am collecting data on the conditions for seed, to germinate properly. The trick with every type of seed is a specific condion which allows it to germinate well.

    Issues like temperature, moisture, light and daylight length are all ifluencing seed germination and each seed variety has its own specific conditions that it requires for best germination.

    My library is slowly growing, with own experience and I do realise that for many, their methods are their secrets and in some cases, their livelyhoods.

    If there are people out there who would like to share some of their " secrets" with me in exchange for information that I have, I would appreciate it.

    I currently do some 35 varieties commercially from seed and have cracked the nut of germination on these.

  2. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    For most species in the family Pinaceae, a month or two months of pre-treatment in sterilised damp sand at +1 or +2°C results in much more uniform germination
  3. Barry B

    Barry B Member

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    Johannesburg, South Africa

    Is the temperature of 1 to 2 degrees C of critical importance, or is the sterilised damp environment the most important? ALternatively, both of course? I do my spore germination in sterilised medium, under 100% humidity conditions ( or very close to that ) and I am reasonably succesfull. To imitate 1 to 2 degree celsius is a bit difficult for me however, should it be worth my while to move from reasonably succesfull to very successfull, I need to investigate the possibility.
  4. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    Up to 4° or even 5° (the temperature in a domestic refrigerator) would probably be alright, though not perfect; put them in the coldest part of the fridge that isn't actually below freezing. Sterilising the sand is helpful in reducing disease risks, though it does not completely eliminate all risk (there might be fungal spores on the seeds, too). Make sure the sand is only damp (not dripping wet).

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