Germination difficulties with imported seed

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by hortfreak, Nov 10, 2006.

  1. hortfreak

    hortfreak Active Member Maple Society

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    Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada
    Having an insatiable appetite for unusual plants combined with a love of growing from seed, I have for many years acquired seed from various seed exchanges. I generally start 200 or more varieties each year and have had very good results most years. However, this past winter, germination of seed acquired from outside Canada (including from reputable commercial sources) proved to be exceptionally poor---in fact just about 0%. Did anyone else have the same experience? I can think of a few things that might have contributed to the poor outcome, but seeds from Canadian sources performed normally with germination being what I would expect. Of course, it is too early to tell if some things will germinate or not. I am speaking only of those seeds which should have germinated in a relatively short period of time. A few years back there was talk in the United States about irradiating seed that was to be imported into that country. I believe this idea was nixed by just about everyone, particularly the botanical gardens and arboreta, as it was felt that seed could be irreparably harmed from such treatment. Since then I have heard nothing. I am wondering if perhaps the idea of such treatment resurfaced and is now being practiced by Canada. Any suggestions or thoughts would be most appreciated.


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