Germinating cycads seeds

Discussion in 'Outdoor Tropicals' started by hers, Oct 25, 2007.

  1. hers

    hers Member

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    Magelang, INDONESIA
    I have just received several cycads seeds. They are cycas panzhihuanensis, cycas sp. silver ( seller said thailand species ), dioon edule and zamia furfuracea. Its first time I germinate a cycad. I try to search in the internet to find the best germinating methode. I believe in this forum there are many people who has experience in germinating a cycad seeds. If you have your own " improvisation " experience, please inform me.
  2. Sunset Cycads

    Sunset Cycads Active Member 10 Years

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    Sunshine Coast, British Columbia, Canada
    My recommendation for your tropical location is to use a non-organic mix for sprouting, such as clean sand, perlite, vermiculite or pumice. The Cycas and Dioon species, which are larger seeds, should be placed half in, half out of the medium, on their sides, length-wise. The Zamia, which is a small seed and more vulnerable to drying out, should be completely covered but only with a thin layer of medium. Keep the medium barely damp; do not allow it to get too soggy or the seeds will rot. As soon as they sprout, put them up into narrow (3X3 inches) but tall (8 inches) pots, as cycads develop long tap roots. Use a commercial cactus mix or see my web site for potting mix recipe. Cycads grow very slowly, so don't get discouraged if they do not grow too large in the first few years. Once they establish a good root system they will take off.
  3. hers

    hers Member

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    Magelang, INDONESIA
    thanks for your information. what the media while in germination time and after its germinate?. should I keep them wet or dry ?. and then can give them GA3 to increase their growth? and the fertilizer, which one is the best chemical fertilizer or organic fertilizer ?
  4. Sunset Cycads

    Sunset Cycads Active Member 10 Years

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    Sunshine Coast, British Columbia, Canada
    I am not quite sure what your question is, but if you are asking what media to use while they are germinating, you can use vermiculite, perlite, pumice, peat moss, cocoa fibre. Keep it damp but not wet. You can keep them in that medium until they develop their first leaves. Then pot them up in a very well-draining potting mix. Water them well, until the water runs out the bottom of the pot. Then let them dry out before watering again. The biggest thing to watch out for is root rot, so do not keep them too wet.
  5. lukeandpalms

    lukeandpalms Member

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    Ohio U.S.A.
    my sag seeds took FOR EVER to germinate, i think it was a year before i saw leaves.
  6. lukeandpalms

    lukeandpalms Member

    Likes Received:
    Ohio U.S.A.
    my sago seeds took 4ever to germinate, i think it was a year before i saw leaves, but with 100% succes (i only had three seeds)

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