Gerber Daisies

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Diane Davis, Apr 28, 2009.

  1. Diane Davis

    Diane Davis Member

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    Oklahoma, United States
    I am new to gardening. I have always loved gerber daisies and couldn't resist when I went to a local nursery. I knew I was getting in over my head and shouldn't go beyond petunias and impatiens just yet, but I have more enthusiasm than I do good sense, so I got them anyway. The plants were full and the blooms were perfect until I got ahold of them. Day two after repotting them the petals of the flowers were showing brown streaks. I hoped that meant that the bloom was old and was dying a natural death. A girl can hope, can't she? Unfortunately, the new flowers coming up are showing the same brown streaks. HELP!!!! Pretty-please? :(
    Thanks for your time.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2009
  2. James D.

    James D. Active Member

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    ottawa,ON. Canada
    Gerbs like, bright light with a few hours of direct sun, also they do like do dryout between waterings. At least min benefit from that, and they do like to be in a smaller pot too. check them for bugs and powdery mildew, they tend to sufer from both quite easily.
  3. theredben

    theredben Active Member

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    Lanley, BC
    Unless you have some ugly variety, those brown streaks SCREAM Thrips to me. Take a flower that is full of pollen and tap the head so the pollen falls into your hand. I am guessing you will find a couple of 1/4" little bugs walking around mixed in the pollen.

    Let us know what happens.

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