Last Fall I moved my geraniums from my window boxes and put them into pots and brought them inside for the Winter. They have been in south facing windows and basically are doing well. However, I probably have not watered them as much as I should and, although appearing healthy, they are quite leggy. I have started putting them out for a few hours each day to acclimatize them. Should I just leave them or can I prune them back at this late stage before I transplant them back in to my window boxes?
You can prune them. Taking them back will encourage new growth and you can propagate the cutting into a new plant in a couple of weeks. I started out this winter with 12 and I begin the spring 35. When all is said and done I should finish the season with 50 or so after giving around 20 away as gifts. Geraniums are awesome! just let your cutting sit over night to callus and push into some moist soil the next day. Cuttings can be 3" to 8" long. Enjoy growing a Geranium army.