I have this geranium who has been doing great all winter since bringing it inside in early fall. I was gone for the weekend but when I left it was all green, with no blooms. The plant did bloom throughout the winter. But now it looks like this. Yellow and orange leaves and some spots. It does have new growth and the leaves and stems are wet. Meaning they don’t fall off and I really need to clip them. It’s been in the same place the whole time. And has been in the same pot. Thoughts on what could be going on and how to restore the plant. Thanks! Also I’m new to plants so explanations at the novice level would be great.
I haven’t given it fertilizer since October. I don’t know the pH. As I’m new to this, is there a method you use to test the pH?
It's unlikely that a healthy plant would go into a sudden and drastic decline in a matter of days without a trigger. Perhaps prior to departure for the weekend the heat had been turned down or off or the soil had been given an overly generous drenching. Is there any sign of distress amongst your other plants?