I have found that gardenia plants are very difficult to bring to bloom! I have had one for a few months. It has many buds on it, but in all that time, only one has bloomed. One has even fallen off unopened. Does anyone out there have a special secret that will coax it to bring forth those beautiful, fragrants blossoms? Thanks!
Some info on how it's living would definitely help - like how much sun does it get for how long each day (that's usually the main reason plants don't flower - not enough light), how much and how often and how do you water? What is the temp like there - Gardenias like to stay in cool places.
Hi. I water it enough to keep the soil moist. I live in Vancouver, B.C., so the temp is fairly moderate--18-20 C indoors. It is sitting on a north-facing window. I have recently put it there. It wasn't by a window before. I hope this info helps!
I agree with the need for high humidity. Here's some Gardenia care sites that may help: http://www.uri.edu/ce/factsheets/sheets/gardenia.html http://www.hort.purdue.edu/ext/gardeniachallenge.html
Have 4 gardenia's shrubs, 3 in the ground & one still in a pot but will be soon transferred to the ground comes springtime. Those 3's (in the ground) give me heaps of sweet scented flowers every year.Young gardenias need a lot of TLC, as they get older they become quite hardy. They're acid loving plants & need to be protected from strong afternoon sun. It's really worth having them in the garden esp for their strong-sweet fragrance.