Gardenia First Love

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by pacobird, Mar 26, 2006.

  1. pacobird

    pacobird Member

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    Honesdale PA, USA
    I have had The Gardenia First love plant for years , growing it indoors. Since I moved to a new house from NJ to PA. I had lots of problems until I lost all of them. I just purchased a Large new plant from Cal. last week. I went all over the house until I found the right place for it. It has perked up, however now the leaves are turning yellow. I do not over water. It is in a bright light window, not sunshine. I mist it a few times a day. If I can controll the yellow leaves, I think it will be fine. Please tell me what I can do.
    Thank you JDV
  2. Eric La Fountaine

    Eric La Fountaine Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    sw USA
    Possibly partly the shock of moving, they are temperamental. It will also want more light indoors. The yellow leaves appear due to too much or too little of something, light, temp., water - they like consistent conditions. This site says that while they like high humidity, misting can promote leaf fungus, so maybe try another means to increase humidity around the plant:

    Another thought - you grew them successfully for years, what is different now? Were they in brighter light in NJ?
  3. pacobird

    pacobird Member

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    Honesdale PA, USA
    Yes while I lived In Nj. The house had more light. Had no problems. This house in PA is in the woods, although I do get light, Maybe not enough. The plant was transplanted and given acid fertilizer. Now most of the plant is turning yellow. I wonder if plant lights would help.? I'll do anything to help this plant as it was very expensive. I hate to loose. I know when the weather gets warmer and I put it outside, It will do well. I even put a tray with stone and water for Humidity. It seems to be getting worse. Any other suggestions would help.
    Thank you

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