Hey everyone, I know this may be a bit off topic but I thought a gardening forum is my best bet! Currently in the middle of a storm and have quite a few problems with our wheelie bins being blown around and nowhere to put them except for inside the house!! We don't have anything available outside to store them in and need a solution for outside the house. I have looked for a few bin locks but they only lock the bin itself, it doesn't secure it to anything. The only near relevant thing I have found is a "Bin Guardian" wheelie bin lock which actually secures it to the wall which I found on amazon. Does anyone have any experience with any of these if you can recommend them? Need something to stop them flying around the garden without without having to build a garden shed. Regards
I'm certainly not an engineer, but, just a thought.... Is the siding on your house wood? Buy a large "O" ring screw. The kind you put on the eaves for hanging plants. Not an open hook. Screw it into the siding a few inches below the height of you waste bins. Use a tight bungie cord around the top on the bin and secure both ends to the ring. I live near the Straigts of San Juan in Washington State and we get some pretty nasty winds 60 mph+ and I get tired of chasing the garbage from a blow over bin....barb
Don't think bungee cord would last very long in outdoor conditions, wouldn't it degrade and lose its elasticity fairly soon?
The normal cloth weave covered ones will degrade rather quickly, I imagine, but I have seen heavy all rubber ones available. barb
Bungee cords such as you buy in hiking shops, with bright fabric (or whatever) and with plastic ends for hooking onto things, will not last very long. But the heavier thick black rubber ones with metal ends such as you get at old-style camping stores (where they sell 50 lb tarps and canvass tents) will last a very long time outside.
Thanks everyone for your replies, Much appreciated. For now I have done as suggested by tying bungee cords, Have survived the first night with it although the bins were "fallen over" sideways it did stop them from flying around the place. I have found another product: http://www.wheeliebinbracket.com/products/domestic-bracket/ But I think you need to screw into the wheelie bin to actually install it which I cant do as I would then have to pay for damaging council property. So I have invested in 1 of these: http://binguardian.com/products.html and will see how that does once it arrives. I dont think I have to damage the bin to install it so thats a big +. Bungie cord "hanging" in there for now so thanks for the suggestions. Will let ye know how this binguardian does once I receive it.