Hopefully the comparison of the appearance of Japanese maple leaves to marijuana leaves is not considered to be too passé here, my apologies if so. But I just had to share this photo of a seedling I've been raising for a few years now. I think you'll agree it looks more like marijuana than any known cultivar, at least that I know of! My post's title is the name I propose giving it once I register it. Ha.
@kines every time I have visiters over that's the first thing they ask. Pretty common question /comparison for me. Nice maple btw. What does the name mean?
Ganja is one of the many local names for marijuana (from Jamaica?). And I read from Vertrees & Gregory that "saki" means tip, point. I once asked my brother in law to water my plants when I was on holidays. When I came back, he said with a suspicious look that he also watered my marijuana plants. <LOL> they were about my first palmatum seedlings, at the time I was just starting to collect maples...
I was asked to select a JM for a friend this past summer, but she said "not one that the leaves look like pot!" Well, that narrows it down!