They finally ripened!! After 2 or so Months, my Hibiscus seed pod produced four healthy, ripe seeds!! Now comes the tough part, waiting to see if any of them sprout! i have put them in part peat and part vermiculite, as the web site said to do, and on top of the fridge. I'll hopefully have some seedling pics in a couple of weeks!!
Hib, did you nick the seeds first with a razor blade ? Mine usually start to germinate in a couple days if they are nicked first. Your seed head remnants look awfully green to have mature seeds. I leave mine until the seed heads are brown, and open on their own.
Thank you Newt and Weedbender! The strange thing is, it dropped off my parent plant green! The seeds however, were very dark brown, almost black. Gee, sure hope this doesn't mean they wont grow!! Oh dear, I was supposed to nick them? if I do dig them up, is it too late to put a nick on them.? and if so, where abouts on the seed? I'd really appreciate the help, as it sounds like I need it lol!!
I'd leave them planted, since they have been for a couple weeks already. If the seed is viable, they should be ok. It will just take longer. Here is a great site for Hibiscus info. It shows how to nick the seed. Good luck
Perfect!! Thanks Weedbender! This batch [the four] I will let nature take its course! There is always next time.
I took your advice and just left them,well lo and behold....One is up!! So excited! All the info sites say this seedling will not be the same as either parent! I realize it will be about a year before it blooms,but at least its going to make it!
hi i am a new gardner and like to test all kinds of seeds . i got some hib seeds from a lady and i got them to sprout in a paper coffee filter .put seeds in it folded it and made it moist ,put it in ziplog bag and put under a grow light . the sprouted in just 3 days .. maybe i got lucky but it worked now i have 15 hibs to plant in my yard ...
Thats Fantastic,pastinak!!! Are they tropical hibs, or hardy? Would love to see pics, if you have? My one seedling is also under grow lights, and doing fine. Can't wait till next year when it blooms!! [I hope!]